Saturday, September 3, 2022

Adjustments and Organization

There were many things that worried me when I first decided to go back to school and enroll at CSN. How would I keep up with the course load? Was a Business degree really worth anything? Would I interact well with my instructors and other students? My first two semesters at CSN taught me many things but two in particular stick out, those being the willingness to make adjustments to fit around my school schedule and the other being the high level of organizational skills that it takes to really succeed in different environments with varying instructors and course subjects. While I still have much to learn while at CSN and in my individual classes I have no doubt that the skills I am picking up will benefit me not only in my higher education pursuits but in my personal life as well!


  1. I concur! Deciding to continue your education will absolutely be beneficial for you in all aspects of your life. Seeing that you've been at CSN for at least two semesters now, shows that you are willing to make the necessary adjustments in your life to succeed. You got this!

  2. Glad to hear your first two semesters imparted the importance of willingness to make adjustments and high-level of organization skills!

    You were the first to come up to the front table to see my Master in Business Administration degree plaque on the first class session. I hope it answered your question :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Rashon ^_^

  3. Adjustments and organization skills are helpful to succeed in school. We often hear that a business degree is not worth anything anymore. I disagree with that because the education we receive has an internal value, which we decide the worth of it. This semester will be great!

  4. I felt the same way about the business degree that I am pursuing. What was it really worth? I came to the conclusion that it didn't matter what it was worth to the rest of the world but what it was worth to me. You and I will both be proud when we get to the finish line.

  5. I like the way you think. The method is far more important than time on the road to learning. The summary and accumulation of many learning methods are inseparable from the mutual help between students and the guidance of professors. We will succeed!

  6. I agree with that continuing higher education will be beneficial. I hope you succeed and this semester will be a breeze in the park for you.

  7. I am also majoring in Business as well. At first, I was not really sure if I wanted to even go to college. But I realized, it would most likely help me and my family in the long run. I hope you and everyone else are able to succeed in the future. I hope you have a wonderful semester!

  8. The organization skill is very important to succeed not only at school and also in your daily life. You will succeed. Stay focused!

  9. Starting this Fall 2022 semester with 15 credit hours while working full time has required me to put some effort into time management and organization.

  10. Going back to school is a good thing. It will teach you a lot inside of school and out in the real world. It's always a good thing to get more education. Keep it up. You should be proud to say your a college kid, I know I am.

  11. I asked all those questions to myself too! There were a lot of back and forth debates on user forums. One user talked about how a business degree is useless and can be obtained through actual hands-on business experience while another user countered, saying that the same ideology could be applied to most degrees. Are you pursuing a Bachelor's when you receive your Associate's? Good luck!

  12. I did a lot of questioning the degree I was getting my first time through CSN, but without it there have been things that I have seen and worked on that I can truly say I wouldn't have had those opportunities without it. You just have to keep going and have and open mind to the many opportunities that come come your way because of your dedication and hard work.

  13. Absolutely agreed. The similar thought process guided my selection of classes as well. Even if I may not be interested in the degree I'm pursuing later in this path, at least I will have the skills that all of these classes are willing to teach me. Returning to you, you will surely gain something from these courses.

  14. Organizational skills are definitely a must to be effective in your studies and other aspects of life. My first semester back in college was a disaster. I had no idea what to expect after being out of an educational environment for many years. It takes diligence to succeed.

  15. Your degree is alway's worth something no matter what anyone else may think. Your time and effort is valuable and that degree is what you worked for. I guarantee you it will be worth it. Stay on track.

  16. Adjusting to your schedule and organizing are definitely useful skills to have anytime. Your degree is always worth something even if you don't think it is.

  17. I'm still trying to obtain the organization skills necessary to upkeep a good work ethic, I hope your able to get this down pat.

  18. Hello Rashon, I'm glad you made the choice to pursue your degree in Business I wish you the best of luck. :)
