Saturday, September 10, 2022

Key Points From My Favorite Book

For this blog I thought I would share a few key points from a book that changed my life! The book is called Atomic Habits by James Clear. The premise of the book and meaning behind the title is that if your someone who wants to create a real change in your life then you must focus on the small decisions or habits in your daily life. If you do this then over time these same small "atomic" habits will accumulate into remarkable results. Some great concepts from the book are as follows:

1. Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. In other words similar to how saving a small sum of money overtime can produce great wealth the good and bad things that we do each and every day can compound over time to create real change.

2. Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.

3.Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that lead to those results. Basically if you have a goal break it into small steps and focus on completing them everyday as opposed to getting overwhelmed by the size of the goal itself!

The book also covers how to make good habits and break bad ones as well as how to put systems in place to achieve the goals we set.

"Instead of trying to build a brick wall, lay a brick everyday. Eventually you'll look up and you'll have a brick wall."-Nipsey Hussle


  1. Small steps in the right direction lead to the finish line, definitely agree!

    Thank you for the reminder by sharing key points from your favorite book :-)

  2. Your points remind me of a video I watched on by Dr. Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture. In the video he also describes the wall scenario, but in a different way. You have helpful points in your topic that I can relate to.

  3. Habits are essential to our success and health. The points you listed are very interesting. I’m going to add this book to my books to read.

  4. I appreciate your book review. I need to add this to my list of books to read. Love the Nipsey Hussle quote!

  5. The phrase Rome wasn't built in a day comes to mind when building one brick at a time.

  6. I love this mindset. You have peaked my interest. I will look into this book. I wonder if there's an audiobook?

  7. I really agree with you and appreciate your sharing. There is also an old saying in China, "Do not fail to commit an act of kindness just because it is small in scale, Do not commit an evil act just because it is small in scale" It's the same as what you shared.

  8. Wow, If everyone thought like this? Can you imagine how everyone would get along? I love it.

  9. Great read. Reminds me of my goals in college. Goals is to graduate but I can't be a full-time student so I broke off my classes to do it a little at a time.

  10. Thank you for sharing some key points from your favorite book. During my time in military training, my Recruiter Division Commanders shared how it was always important to set habits little by little. The intention is to keep at it to the point where it becomes apart of your everyday life.

  11. I always try to make small steps a part of my life because I tend to think far in the future but set intermittent goals along the way to make small steps further.

  12. These details really clarify what it means to succeed in life, but achieving that success is ultimately your responsibility. However, you made it more interesting to read because of the explanation you provided about the book.

  13. This book is really good, this helped me in my personal growth and create new habits in just 30 days.

  14. Sounds like an interesting book. I will give it a read.

  15. I never heard of this book, it sounds nice. Nice Nipsey Hussle quote!

  16. Wow! This reminds me of I guess you can call it a story of a horse and a boy in the woods, where the boy is crying to the horse about how they are stuck in the woods and they horse responds to him with a question. He says can you take a step? The boy says yes and takes a step. The horse says as long as you can take a step you will never be stuck anywhere. I can't tell you where I heard this from, it's been sometime since I first heard it, but it something that has always resonated with me.

  17. Love the quote! I'll definitely look into this book.

  18. I am only recently learning this and am trying to establish healthy rituals and a process that follows to a goal, congrats on laying down the bricks. Hope all of us reach the heights that we wish to achieve.

  19. Bravo Sir. Not only does this post contain vital information for the mental evolution of humanity, but it also inspires the individual as itself, to do independently better. This article well thought out and was fervidly delivered.
