Thursday, October 13, 2022

Windows Update Facts (2.2.12)

 .As someone who often forgets to update their computer I found this section useful, I think it's good that Windows has a setup that allows for frequent updates, it definitely makes me feel more secure when browsing the web.


  1. Yes, Windows updates are important but anti-virus and firewall are also important in helping your increase your security when browsing the World Wide Web :-)

  2. Knowing how important it is to have my computer updated, I set up my updates to automatic. It is so much easier than to try to remember when I'm supposed to do it.

  3. Keeping everything updated is essential to having a working computer who knows what these hackers have managed to exploit

  4. Having your computer up to date is important. Keeps you safe with the latest updates.

  5. I am guilty of this. I always wait for the computer or phone to tell me that it has and update. I will get better at it but for the most part I will usually wait.

  6. Yes, I have it set up to automatically update that way I never have to think about it.

  7. Same Rashon, if it weren't for the ability to setup automatic updates, I would never remember to update my computer.

  8. Windows auto-update is a mixed blessing. For example, sometimes your system does update promptly, but your video card and some of your other drivers may update behind, which can cause incompatibility!

  9. This topic is very important. I’m guilty of not keeping up with Window updates. I often wait until my computer or phone starts working slower.

  10. I'm guilty of not keeping up with Windows updates like Saul. I always get popup notifications asking me if I wanna restart my computer for updates at the most inconvenient time.

  11. Im the type to get frustrated at automatic updating for doing its job. :/

  12. Automatic updates are the best especially when life can get busy. Waiting for any auto update is very time consuming, but it's a necessary task.

  13. I am the same way. I also tend to purposely avoid updating because it can take a while depending on how big the update is!

  14. I have to update my laptop a lot. I play online games and my games do not run until I update my computer. I am always ahead now!

  15. Same. I like how most new technology has upgrades built into the programming.

  16. Windows update helps a lot. But where it lacks if you have an older system you have to go out of your way to find drivers for utilities and such. Such as older graphics cards.

  17. I too need to be reminded to upgrade my computer. Especially the security portion.

  18. Updates are very important and useful; I get kind of annoyed when those updates change the way I got used to interacting with windows and different settings or option menus.
