Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.1.16 Technology and Ethics Facts

 Although there was plenty of interesting information in Chapter 1 I chose to write about 1.1.16 Technology and Ethical Facts. It makes sense that with the rise of technology and social media a set of rules and ethics should be created in response to how we interact with others online. I liked the examples they used to demonstrate how easily technology can be used to mishandle peoples private information. Database breaches, social media shaming, and privacy violations are all examples of ways people can be harmed by others with Internet capabilities.

I personally find Human Dignity and Property Rights to be particularly important ethics to keep in mind when online. The anonymity that comes with social media in recent years has definitely led to a decrease in the respect of others privacy and dignity. The ability to easily steal others work and replicate it has also cheated many creators out of potential fans and revenue!


  1. Technology and Ethical Facts, good choice :-)

    Anonymity gives people a sense of safety but also encourages people with bad intentions to act more freely and boldly!

  2. Very well said. You are so right. People need to be careful what or how they speak or treat each other on the social platforms. Always stay alert to the breeches, shaming and violations.

  3. Yes, sometimes technology can be used to mishandle private information. The sad thing is that we have to agree to the terms of service to use their services or apps.

  4. With the rise of social media we need some form of safety net but it will be misused no matter what we do.

  5. With social media once something is on the internet its there forever.

  6. I feel like database breaches are becoming much more common. I get an email at least once a month saying my personal information, usually my email address, was found in a database breach. So crazy.

  7. What you said is so good. Whether on the Internet or in real life, we should not reveal other people's privacy, let alone try to hurt others.

  8. With todays advancement in technology and communication, ethics has not advanced. I think that the results are in reverse. Maybe we should be educated about ethics, then move on to topics that require more mental strength. Reading this post makes me think, society just gave internet to the real world bullies, to bully people on the internet. We should start by fixing that first, stop giving bullies outlets to bully other people. These are just based on results from experience and society.

  9. Technology is advancing much faster than ethics can keep up with. There is so much cyber crime on the web and there seems to be no one responsible for putting an end to it.

  10. It's so crazy to think about the many ways how people take advantage of the Internet. Imagine if Eve never ate the apple... just kidding:p

  11. I agree ethics are important online and you have to be careful what you say because it will be there forever.

  12. It is frightening to even think about how easily our information can be mishandled. I feel so many lack ethic.

  13. Yup, sometimes people wont take things the way you expect them to. Just means we need to be careful with what we post on the internet!

  14. Technology enables us to act rapidly, which forces us to make quick decisions. Knowing which decision to make is crucial since you never know what impact you may leave.

  15. Technology is expanding and becoming the number one resource for communication with others. What I like to remind myself is be careful what you post on the internet once it's posted, there's no going back.

  16. I really admire how well your able to verbally express your ideas. They seem to flow so naturally. Your annotative fluidity is astonishingly peerless. Ethic facts are something that computer and internet users should definitely know the severity of misuse of the internet.

  17. I agree with you that we should not mishandle information and share others privacy.
