Wednesday, November 2, 2022

5.9.1 Conditional Formatting

 I chose section 5.9.1 Conditional Formatting because in my opinion it is this feature that makes Excel particularly unique. Of course it is useful to be able to input so much data but without the ability to search through this data to find the standout information, I feel that most spread sheets would end up very cluttered and almost less work to look through then their worth. It is the ability to search through the data with functions like Conditional Formatting that allows users to find trends in their numbers and come to conclusions based off of these findings. 


  1. Conditional formatting, one the coolest features in Microsoft Excel :-)

    It will make an appearance in an upcoming assignment, A6 Spreadsheet Analysis with Trailer ^_^

  2. Excel is so neat; I'm surprisingly enjoying navigating the features more than Word.

  3. Conditional formatting is helpful when having to work with a substantial amount of data.

  4. Conditional Formatting sense is most commonly used in daily work. I'm glad you were able to share your insights with me.

  5. Yes, conditional formatting is very neat. This feature is very helpful when you deal with a lot of data.

  6. Great topic Rashon. Conditional formatting was fun for me and I enjoyed learning from this topic.

  7. Conditional formatting is one of the best features of Excel without it reading a spreadsheet would be a nightmare.

  8. This is something I was excited to learn about Excel. It was something I saw in spreadsheets but didn't know how it worked until now.

  9. Conditional formatting was very tedious when I went through the lessons won't be as difficult.

  10. Conditional formatting is very helpful with a lot of data.

  11. Oh yea, I just wish I could get the hang of this I just need more practice. ^_ ^

  12. I have not reached this section of the LabSim, but it sounds like a great feature to be aware of.

  13. Its awesome to use. Need to use it more often though
