Friday, November 25, 2022

Class Presentation

 I appreciate everyone's kind feedback for my recent PowerPoint presentation, I remember a great tip I read for public speaking which is that your body reacts the same way to nervousness and excitement so the next time you have a presentation just interpret the "sweaty palms and butterflies" as signs that your excited to show your stuff. In reality it doesn't feel much different than the anticipation before a rollercoaster or a big game if you've ever played sports. A quick word about my topic for the presentation, because I love habit formation books people assume I have great time management skills etc. In reality though I'm drawn to those books because I've struggled greatly with it and am always interested in how we can all improve on our efficiency and take better control of our lives and how we spend our time. 


  1. Excellent presentation Rashon two Saturdays ago :-)

    First step to solve a problem is to identify the actual problem or problem(s) ^_^

    A "time management" problem may be a symptom of poor habits, unrealistic estimates or ambitions, or even a lack of will or ability to focus!

    Would you be able to rule out any or all of the three above?

  2. Your speech is still fresh in my memory! I really enjoyed your presentation! You did a really good job!

  3. I never knew about that tip until now. I'm retaking COM101 next semester for a better grade so this will definitely help in the future.

  4. I hate public speaking. My last 2 classes will be English and Communication.

  5. I don't think there is anyone in the world who is actually ready for public speaking. No one is a natural at it. Even the professional public speakers go through their nervous preparation prior to a speech. I am glad I took COM 101 during the summer semester. It really helped me. I still have my book which I read through every now and then just as a refresher. I like the way you think Rashon.

  6. You did better than most people in my COM 101 class.

  7. Your presentation was great. You definitely have talent. I always dread public speaking even though I practice. My anxiety always gets the best of me.

  8. I love self-improvement books as well Rashon. Your tip for public speaking is great! I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I have to present using PowerPoint.

  9. Rashon, thank you for taking the time to acknowledge our compliments to you. Your presentation was definitely a memorable one.

  10. Rashon, to find someone so young who can keep track of themselves in the way that you do is phenomenal. Thank you for presenting to the class and sharing those book suggestions. Can we get a list with more suggestions in the feature?

  11. Time is a perspective. Managing a perspective mentally can be difficult and managing time is reality is different from handling the mental aspect. It has taken myself many attempts in life to arrive at this point and learning day by day how to manage the two different aspects. It may sounds weird or self centered but it will depend on a person view on time management. There is always different outcomes and results when different inputs are presents. Presentations are one way to get a point or view across to a particular group.
