Thursday, December 1, 2022

Next Semester Plans

 As this semester approaches it's close, I find myself speculating how I want to approach Spring Semester already. My goal when I first came back to school at the beginning of this year was to blow through my Associates as soon as possible so I took four classes Spring, Summer, and now Fall of 2022. After seven years out of school (Class Of 2015) It has definitely pushed me further then I thought I could go. Next semester I feel I may take a page out of some of my classmates' books and just take a class or two in order to make sure I'm keeping up and also to get some of the other areas of my life back under control! 


  1. Yes, there is only 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week :-)

    Overloading oneself is a common pitfall that some new students fall into!

    May next semester go better for you ^_^

  2. Dedication to school takes a lot out of our daily lives without a doubt that sometimes we lose track of what's important. Everyone individually has to plan according to their values and abilities. It is ok to reduce the number of classes to focus on other important aspect of your life.

  3. You're much closer to completing your degree. Next semester will be less stressful and better.

  4. That definitely sounds like a good plan!
    I'm sure you can handle it! Good luck!

  5. Yes, taking two classes definitely allows more time for work and other responsibilities. My thoughts are, as long as you don't quit school, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get your degree. Everyone works at their own pace. You'll accomplish your goal on your own timeline. :)

  6. School takes up a lot of time But also finishing the end with good grades for me is amazing. I wish I had done this years ago. Don't over do it you got this.

  7. I think my next semester at UNLV I will take 12 credits then 6-9 credits over the summer to catch up.

  8. Fast tracking through many classes is a feat in itself. I am fortunate to get all the classes I needed for this current semester and the following. It can get very time and consuming. Some other parts of a personal life can get impacted because of school, so I hope you take the time to get back on track. You'll be able to get it done, you can do it!!

  9. I would say one step back to take three steps forward, however Rashon, the way you carry yourself this isn't even a step back, it is only a momentary catching of your breath. I can tell that your still going, still moving and that's extraordinary. I wish you the best next semester.

  10. This reminded me so much of this tweet:

    "Life is much better when you slow down" is the major message and it's inspired me to think about taking a breather from heavy coursework like you in the next semesters to come.

  11. I would have never thought you were part of class of 2015. I think it is a good idea to lighten your load. You don't want to end up burning yourself out?
