Saturday, September 17, 2022

Taking My Own Advice

 Like many others in the class I have also struggled with time management issues and finding the motivation/energy to tackle all of my assignments. At times when I get discouraged I remember a conversation I had with a cousin of mine when she was a few weeks away from graduating high school. She, like most of us was at a loss as to what she should do once she graduated. I remember very clearly her telling me that she was considering going to the National Guard and what she said next is what stuck with me she told me that she didn't really want to go because she would have to spend two years in the program. My response to that was that "Time is going to pass whether you decide to go or not so don't let that stop you." That conversation took place over five years ago and although she chose a different path I am still reminded all the time that time will continue moving forward whether we take advantage of it or not the only difference is either you'll look up several years from now and have something to be proud of or you'll look up and be in the same or an even worse position. We all get to decide how we want to spend our time and what we want our futures to look like and that motivates me to actively create the future I want for myself.


  1. Good advice you gave to your cousin :-)

    Even better that you are able to see the value of that advice and apply to your own situation ^_^

    Well said about we decide how we want to spend our time and what our futures will look like!

  2. "Time is going to pass whether you decide to go or not so don't let that stop you." Great advice to give anyone. It's absolutely true. Looking back, I wonder, wow, how much time have I wasted? Why didn't I do this sooner? But it doesn't matter now, because here I am, making the most of it. I don't want to be in the same place a few years from now. I need to keep growing and moving forward.

  3. You will figure it out on how to manage your time wisely. Not everyone has the same situation but what I can say is to stay focus just because it didn't work out that day just remember there is always a new day to try it all over again. You got this, you made it this far, take it day by day don't swallow more than you can chew. Make it to next week then the following week. Look at it this way we only have 13 weeks left.

  4. Rashon, you seem to have a great philosophy on life. I like the way you think and reflect on taking responsibility for the outcome of your life. We all are accountable at the end and you are absolutely right, what we make of our outcome is our doing and no one else's.

  5. Time the essence of life. Time will come and go and it is how you determine what to do with it. Great attitude.

  6. I also heard that time goes by quickly growing up rather frequently. I just never took it into consideration and now I wish that I would have. I admire your mindset.

  7. I'm sure it's never too late for you to do whatever you want. Cheer for you! Cheer for your cousin!

  8. I struggle every so often during this semester on balancing a full time job and 15 credit hours. I generally just stop all work and take a solid break which can be an hour to a full day before I resume school work.

  9. I completely agree; we get to choose how we spend our time. I frequently think back on previous decisions that may have been regrettable, but I always try to learn from them. Time really does fly, but when you follow a daily schedule, it does so even faster.

  10. It’s never too late to begin something that you are passionate about. Keep pushing forward.

  11. "Time is going to pass", it is the same thing that I told myself when I began to study and although many people close to me have discouraged me, my commitment was greater to myself and I will continue on.

  12. There is never enough time. But it is never too late begin a new.

  13. I made a big decision like your cousin as well. Enlisting in the military is hard, especially when you're signing a contract where you're obligated to fulfill all those years. I hope she's doing amazing and doing amazing things!

  14. What ever you do with your time is your choice. I'm sure you will be able to learn to manage your time.

  15. This was amazing advice you gave your cousin. Thank you for sharing this.

  16. Time waits for no one, so the choice we have is how are we going to spend the little bit that is given to us.

  17. *Whistles* That hit different. Thank you for the sound reminder.

  18. I agree. The Earth will still turn, no matter what. So let us enjoy life! We only have one, let us live it up.

  19. Beautifully and magnificently versed. You are 100 percent correct, time will pass either way it goes. It's crazy how we wrap our entire life time around time, which is really just an abstract thought we all agree on. Great post.

  20. I agree with you "Time is going to pass whether you decide to go or not so don't let that stop you." That is what I tell myself every time I want to give up on something. Great advice Rashon!
