Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.1.16 Technology and Ethics Facts

 Although there was plenty of interesting information in Chapter 1 I chose to write about 1.1.16 Technology and Ethical Facts. It makes sense that with the rise of technology and social media a set of rules and ethics should be created in response to how we interact with others online. I liked the examples they used to demonstrate how easily technology can be used to mishandle peoples private information. Database breaches, social media shaming, and privacy violations are all examples of ways people can be harmed by others with Internet capabilities.

I personally find Human Dignity and Property Rights to be particularly important ethics to keep in mind when online. The anonymity that comes with social media in recent years has definitely led to a decrease in the respect of others privacy and dignity. The ability to easily steal others work and replicate it has also cheated many creators out of potential fans and revenue!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Taking My Own Advice

 Like many others in the class I have also struggled with time management issues and finding the motivation/energy to tackle all of my assignments. At times when I get discouraged I remember a conversation I had with a cousin of mine when she was a few weeks away from graduating high school. She, like most of us was at a loss as to what she should do once she graduated. I remember very clearly her telling me that she was considering going to the National Guard and what she said next is what stuck with me she told me that she didn't really want to go because she would have to spend two years in the program. My response to that was that "Time is going to pass whether you decide to go or not so don't let that stop you." That conversation took place over five years ago and although she chose a different path I am still reminded all the time that time will continue moving forward whether we take advantage of it or not the only difference is either you'll look up several years from now and have something to be proud of or you'll look up and be in the same or an even worse position. We all get to decide how we want to spend our time and what we want our futures to look like and that motivates me to actively create the future I want for myself.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Key Points From My Favorite Book

For this blog I thought I would share a few key points from a book that changed my life! The book is called Atomic Habits by James Clear. The premise of the book and meaning behind the title is that if your someone who wants to create a real change in your life then you must focus on the small decisions or habits in your daily life. If you do this then over time these same small "atomic" habits will accumulate into remarkable results. Some great concepts from the book are as follows:

1. Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. In other words similar to how saving a small sum of money overtime can produce great wealth the good and bad things that we do each and every day can compound over time to create real change.

2. Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.

3.Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that lead to those results. Basically if you have a goal break it into small steps and focus on completing them everyday as opposed to getting overwhelmed by the size of the goal itself!

The book also covers how to make good habits and break bad ones as well as how to put systems in place to achieve the goals we set.

"Instead of trying to build a brick wall, lay a brick everyday. Eventually you'll look up and you'll have a brick wall."-Nipsey Hussle

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Adjustments and Organization

There were many things that worried me when I first decided to go back to school and enroll at CSN. How would I keep up with the course load? Was a Business degree really worth anything? Would I interact well with my instructors and other students? My first two semesters at CSN taught me many things but two in particular stick out, those being the willingness to make adjustments to fit around my school schedule and the other being the high level of organizational skills that it takes to really succeed in different environments with varying instructors and course subjects. While I still have much to learn while at CSN and in my individual classes I have no doubt that the skills I am picking up will benefit me not only in my higher education pursuits but in my personal life as well!